====== Nima's HLT boosted jet authorship project ====== ===== How to setup the code I use on lxplus ===== **1. Setup RootCore and checkout the packages** I created all of my analysis codes at the work area (not home) on lxplus where I keep all of required data for my analysis. One can get my package using **svn co** as follows: ''svn co $SVNINST/Institutes/Carleton/HLT_JetTrigger '' At the work area, first I should bring up ATLAS software using following command : ''setupATLAS'' For the first time, I needed to install //RootCore// Packages using: ''rcSetup Base,2.4.3'' ;for the next time only ''rcSetup'' is required. Every time I add a new package to my header file, I should make it available for my code by typing : ''rc find_pacakges'' Before running my code, I should compile it using : ''rc compile'' **2. How to run the validation of the HLT jet building. This produces histgorams of the Reconstructed jets** I created a macro called //run.cxx// where I used //Samplerhandler// tool which is very useful for organizing input and output files. This macro is located at //macro// directory. To run my code, following command is required at //macro// directory : ''root -l '$ROOTCOREDIR/scripts/load_packages.C' 'run.cxx ("run_result")''' Using this command, my code will be running at //root// and all of the output files (histograms) can be found at //run_result// directory. **3. How to make nice plots of the produced histograms** **Dag's test of the code** Logging in to lxplus, I do: setupATLAS cd /tmp/$USER rcSetup Base,2.4.8 svn co svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasinst/Institutes/Carleton/HLT_JetTrigger rc find_packages rc compile Compilation was successful! Now, let's try to run it cd HLT_JetTrigger/macros/ root -b $ROOTCOREDIR/scripts/load_packages.C 'run.cxx("hlt_results")'