EOS is a storage facility for CERN LHC use cases.
**EOS commands**
- eos ls : list contents
- eos cp : copy contents
- eosmount ~/eos : mount the eos foler, which can then be used with regular unix commands.
**Copying files from EOS to Carleton**
Not sure if this is the best way, but one possibliity is to
- Log in to lxplus.
- Take note of the node name (e.g. lxplus004)
- Copy the files you want to the /tmp/$USER disk at the lxplus node
- Once finished, scp (or rcp) the file from the tmp disk to the Carleton disk.
cd /tmp/$USER
eos ls /eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/phys-higgs/HSG1/MxAOD/h014/mc15c/
eos cp /eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/phys-higgs/HSG1/MxAOD/h014/mc15c/mc15c.PowhegPy8_ggH125.MxAODDetailed.p2669.h014.root ./
From Carleton, you can copy the file with the command
scp tapark@lxplus0059.cern.ch:/tmp/tapark/mc15c.PowhegPy8_ggH125.MxAODDetailed.p2669.h014.root .