Nima's HLT boosted jet authorship project

How to setup the code I use on lxplus

1. Setup RootCore and checkout the packages

I created all of my analysis codes at the work area (not home) on lxplus where I keep all of required data for my analysis.

One can get my package using svn co as follows: svn co $SVNINST/Institutes/Carleton/HLT_JetTrigger

At the work area, first I should bring up ATLAS software using following command : setupATLAS

For the first time, I needed to install RootCore Packages using: rcSetup Base,2.4.3 ;for the next time only rcSetup is required.

Every time I add a new package to my header file, I should make it available for my code by typing : rc find_pacakges

Before running my code, I should compile it using : rc compile

2. How to run the validation of the HLT jet building. This produces histgorams of the Reconstructed jets

I created a macro called run.cxx where I used Samplerhandler tool which is very useful for organizing input and output files. This macro is located at macro directory. To run my code, following command is required at macro directory :

root -l '$ROOTCOREDIR/scripts/load_packages.C' 'run.cxx (“run_result”)'

Using this command, my code will be running at root and all of the output files (histograms) can be found at run_result directory.

3. How to make nice plots of the produced histograms

Dag's test of the code Logging in to lxplus, I do:

cd /tmp/$USER
rcSetup Base,2.4.8
svn co svn+ssh://
rc find_packages
rc compile

Compilation was successful! Now, let's try to run it

cd HLT_JetTrigger/macros/
root -b $ROOTCOREDIR/scripts/load_packages.C 'run.cxx("hlt_results")'