Personal SVN Repository

Each CERN user can request a personal SVN repository, which is a very good place to keep analysis code. To request such a repository, one must follow the instruction on the TWiki:

At “per-user repository” section, you must request a personal repository via the web form. Your request will be reviewed and ready in a few hours upon the approval.

If you have problems or questions about SVN repository request, you can send an email to:

Once you have obtained the repository, you can access it in a terminal, for example like this


(replacing CERNUSERNAME above with your CERN username). You can also browse the content of your reprository on the web:

By default, the personal repository is only accessible and readable by yourself. If you want to give other persons right to access the content (read access) or add/modify it (write access), you can do so at this page:

At the bottom, you should see a link to your Personal repository.