EOS is a storage facility for CERN LHC use cases.

EOS commands

  1. eos ls : list contents
  2. eos cp : copy contents


  1. eosmount ~/eos : mount the eos foler, which can then be used with regular unix commands.

Copying files from EOS to Carleton

Not sure if this is the best way, but one possibliity is to

  1. Log in to lxplus.
  2. Take note of the node name (e.g. lxplus004)
  3. Copy the files you want to the /tmp/$USER disk at the lxplus node
  4. Once finished, scp (or rcp) the file from the tmp disk to the Carleton disk.


cd /tmp/$USER
eos ls /eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/phys-higgs/HSG1/MxAOD/h014/mc15c/
eos cp /eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/phys-higgs/HSG1/MxAOD/h014/mc15c/mc15c.PowhegPy8_ggH125.MxAODDetailed.p2669.h014.root ./

From Carleton, you can copy the file with the command

scp tapark@lxplus0059.cern.ch:/tmp/tapark/mc15c.PowhegPy8_ggH125.MxAODDetailed.p2669.h014.root .