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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

*You need to be on CERN LXPLUS or Carleton ATLAS Computers* 1. Setup Analysis Base <code> mkdir Analysis && cd Analysis setupATLAS rcSetup Base,2.4.28 </code> 2. Setup HGamAnalysisFramework <code> rc checkout_pkg atlasoff/PhysicsAnalysis/HiggsPhys/Run2/HGamma/xAOD/HGamAnalysisFramework/tags/HGamAnalysisFramework-00-02-89 ./HGamAnalysisFramework/scripts/setupRelease rc checkout_pkg atlasoff/PhysicsAnalysis/HiggsPhys/Run2/HGamma/xAOD/HGamTools/tags/HGamTools-01-00-02 </code> 3. Setup other stuff <code> rc checkout_pkg atlasoff/Reconstruction/Jet/JetCalibTools/tags/JetCalibTools-00-04-76-01 rc checkout_pkg atlasperf/CombPerf/JetETMiss/JetCalibrationTools/JES_ResponseFitter/tags/JES_ResponseFitter-00-02-00 </code> Hacks (few things deleted to get the code to compile, added a method to simplify my code):\\ JES_BalanceFitter.cxx:111 <code> //error("GetQuantile failed!"); </code> JES_BalanceFitter.cxx:175 <code> double JES_BalanceFitter::GetChi2Prob() { return TMath::Prob(GetChi2(),GetNdof()); } </code> JES_BalanceFitter.h:22 <code> using std::cout; using std::endl; </code> JES_BalanceFitter.h:47 <code> double GetChi2Prob(); </code> 4. Setup Matthew's code <code> git clone https://<CERN_USERNAME> </code> 5. Compile <code> rc find_packages rc compile </code>

matthew_s_physics_projects.1493765452.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/02 22:50 by parktaehyoun